You're Favourite Ground.
This track was produced by myself at my university's studios where we used an Audient ASP8024 to record and track the musicians live. We overdubbed separate parts such as the keys and synth parts. Finally we used an SSL AWS900+ to record the vocals and to process and clean some of the audio tracks.
I conducted the final mix of the track on the Audient using a variety of outboard effects and processing gear such as Neve 8801 Channel strips and Neve 2254 Compressor/Limiters.
I printed the final track running the audio through the Audient's in-built mix buss compressor. This was used to add glue to the mix and bring everything together slightly.
Lewis Downs, Live session.
I was the mix engineer on this track. I was contacted by an artist who had recorded a jazz piece but needed to overdub his guitars and wanted me to mix the track for him.
I conducted the base mix of the track on a Neve Genesys using a variety of outboard effects and processing gear from valve equipment from the likes of TL-Audio and classics such as Neve 8801 Channel strips and Neve 2254 Compressor/Limiters.
I used a number of different reverbs and effects on this song to really move you through the sections of the track and help tell its story. I found some really nice effects and reverbs on the Lexicon unit which I felt worked really well.